I’m not nice… I’m kind
My whole life I have considered myself a “nice” person. I treat people with kindness and respect… until you give me a reason not to. People have told me I’m too nice which makes me laugh. I always try to make others comfortable when they are around me. I tend do take care of my people and extend an olive branch to strangers at times. I will say people tend to take advantage of that so I’ve been very conscious of it lately.
So back to the kind part. It wasn’t until one random day while sitting at a pool my mindset changed. Let me set the scene. My two friends and I were sitting around my uncles pool eating a sandwich on a VERY hot day. Behind us were two men working on a fence in the bright sun and sweating their asses off. I said to my friends “ I wonder if they would want some food?” They both turned to me and said no leave them be to which I responded that it would be nice to offer them some food. They both laughed and I said “what I’m a nice person.” They both busted out laughing and at first I was a little pissed off. I’ve always took pride in the fact that I was a nice person. They must have seen my face and my one friend said “ you’re not nice… you’re kind. You can fake being nice but you can’t fake kindness.” Let me tell you it was a lightbulb moment for me. Not only was I flattered that they thought that about me but the fact that they can see I’m not a fake person made me happy. The more I thought about it I realized it makes total sense. Kindness is a genuine attribute. Either you’re kind or you’re not. I know A LOT of nice people who are fake as hell and I can’t spot them from a mile away. Being kind takes a special type of person and I believe I’m one of them.
So when people say to me you’re so nice..I correct them. BUT my favorite is when people say that I’m not a nice person to which I respond “ I’m not nice I’m kind and to have the day they deserve.” Because you know… that’s the kind thing to say 😊