Being an Empath or someone who has empathetic tendencies is well, exhausting. Mentally draining and at times physically draining. Sometimes you're left with no brain capacity for anything else. You feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and there is nothing you can do about it. The hardest part is people just don't understand it nor do they want to take the time to.
Now let's dive into what an Empath is. Most people can walk into a room and see others and just be. I walk into a room and get an overwhelming rush of emotions. I can literally feel others' emotions. When I first meet someone I study them. The way they talk, the way they walk, their facial expressions and the way they look at you or don't look at you. Do they make eye contact? Do they speak with emotion or are they monotone? I rarely remember the name of the person but I can tell you every wrinkle, every nook and cranny on their face or what they were wearing. I can also tell you what state of mind they are in just by their body language. I can feel immediately if someone is stressed or combative. I'm known to pick up on things before people even know what they're feeling. Now some might say this is amazing and what a gift it is and at times it is, but most of the time it's just exhausting. Taking on others' feelings on top of mine is overwhelming. I'm left with nothing left in my tank. That's why social situations can be tiresome. I start out with a full cup but once it's empty… I'M GONE! I don't mean to be rude but I retreat to somewhere that isn't so overwhelming. That may be in my car with music or it may be at my home on the couch. Sometimes it's a walk in the park or grounding myself and laying in nature. I know my boundaries and I try to not get to that point because sometimes I come off as a bitch. I dont mean to be but FUCK!
Something to know about me when I'm done…. I AM FUCKING DONE! After taking on everyone else's emotions and feelings I tend to just crash. I check out from reality and people and do things that don't require a whole lot of thought. My favorite thing to do is to go for a long drive. I put on a playlist in reflection of my mood. Am I in a pissed off kind of mood? Yes…then on goes the FUCK OFF playlist. Am I in a zoned out chill kind of mood? Yes… then goes on my Acoustic or Folk playlist. Then I drive any and everywhere until my soul is happy again. I free up so much headspace on these long drives. If I'm not in the driving mood, then I will go for a walk. Being in nature helps my soul so much. I take off my shoes and feel the earth on my feet. I'll even find a lake or a creek and stick my feet in the water or go on a hike. Anything outdoors helps clear my mind.
My advice to those who have Empathetic tendencies is to find your “retreat.” Find that one thing that allows you to clear your head. It does wonders! Sometimes an ugly cry does wonders and sometimes punching things does too! Oh, I suggest you find yourself a good hugger. A good hug can cure almost anything and the feeling of being safe is sometimes all it takes to ease your mind and fill your cup.