Same person… different versions
I was just having this conversation with my mom yesterday. I was explaining to her how each person has a different “version” of you. You can take a person and ask 10 different people their opinion of you and get 10 different answers or point of views. I like to compare it photography. I can take a single picture and show 50 different people and each one will have a unique perspective on that photograph. It’s the same with people.
Without going into too much detail… my family is fucked up. Plain and simple. The ones I love I really love but the rest, phew they are an Oxygen channel special let me tell ya. (the ones who are on “the list” if you get my drift) BUT to some, and I know this for a fact, those people are perfectly normal. To me they are not… at all… and never will be! That also proves my point that each person gets a different version of you.
One big example I like to tell people is a former let’s just say “boss”. I got the WORST version of this person while everyone else got the best. I couldn’t in my mind understand how this person was so loved and adored by many when I couldn’t even stand being in the same room with them. Was it jealousy? Was it envy? Was it that this person just didn’t like me for whatever reason? This person never took the chance to get to know me. This person never checked in on me. This person always had something negative to say to me or about me. This person constantly knocked me down and questioned my character. I was this person’s employee too! I finally had to come to grips with the fact that my opinion and perspective of this person was wildly different than most others… and that’s ok! I got the shit version while everyone else got the great version and that’s something I had to deal with. Does it suck…yes. Does it change my onion of this person… no.
This also goes for me. You can ask 100 people their opinion of me and based on how close we are you will get 100 different answers. It’s not that I’m lying to people it’s that my level of comfort dictates the level of weird you’re going to get. Also, my frame of mind is going to factor into play. You can ask my friends I’ve had my whole life and they have gotten so many versions of me based on what was going on in my life at the time. I also change my attitude based on how I’m treated. You treat me like shit and make me feel unwanted or undervalued, you’re gonna get the worst version of me. I had a guy, who I thought pretty highly of, tell me I had mental problems because I was an over thinker. What the actual fuck? True statement… wrong delivery bro. That was coming from someone with ADD! He should get it, but I guess he didn’t and that’s ok. On the other hand, I had a guy tell me my weird was showing a long time ago and it doesn’t bother him at all. Hès still my friend to this day. See different versions!
I guess what I’m trying to say is, be yourself. Be the weird, funny, awkward crazy happy person. Be the reason someone smiles or be the reason someone rolls their eyes. Either way who gives a Fuck what others think of you. Are they paying your bills? Are they contributing anything to your life? If the answer is no then who cares what they think. Ah fuck it even if they are its your body do what you want with it. Don’t let anyone tell you any different! You only have one life so do it how you want, on your terms, and have no regrets when it’s over. To be honest… we don’t know when our time is up so live your life the way you want to and if that version of you bothers anyone else, tell them to kick rocks.
*Disclaimer I’ve been told by friends that I need to spell check which I do… but you know what I don’t care how it comes out. My brain works faster than my hands can type. So sorry bout ya :)