September 12, 2001…
I want to go back. back to September 12, 2001. Now let me start by saying I NEVER want to go back to September 11th. That day still haunts me. I can remember where I was, what class I was in and how the rest of that day just seemed like a nightmare. At the time my dad worked at the airport, and luckily, he didn’t go to work that day. I remember all of the school just sitting in the classrooms in disbelief watching all the horror unfold on the TV’s. The sadness and panic we all felt was horrible. That day will forever stick out in my mind as one of the most horrendous days in American History, at least in my lifetime. BUT you know what September 12th brought? Patriotism, solidarity, unity and most of all hope. Our country came together as one on that day. It didn’t matter where you came from or what you did for a living and most of all it didn’t matter your political views. The way our country came together that day was absolutely amazing.
Now let me be clear I am NOT a political person. I’ve only voted once in my life, and it was a disaster. I’m the daughter of a Vietnam Vet and ex city cop so politics have been a part of my life for sure yet none of us vote. Side note… I’m not sure why that triggers people so much to the point I get yelled at. Baffles me. Anyhoo, I know A LOT about politics. I love history and my dad is a presidential buff, so we talk about stuff like that a lot. I grew up learning all about the wars and the history of our country. I love historical documentaries and movies. The Patriot is one of all-time favorite movies! Yet our family doesn’t vote but I have been taught and live by the words… “if you don’t vote then you can’t bitch about anything for 4 years” (and also don’t talk politics and religion in public) So I have just lived and adapted despite my own personal views. This election is no different. We all know this election has been one of the most heated and divided ones in I can’t even tell you how long. The hate that has been spewed all over is disheartening. People who I thought were rational ended up being completely unhinged. It’s sad and I hate it. I like to surround myself with people who think differently than me along with those who think similar. You can’t grow as a person unless you listen to other people’s opinions that are different than yours. I have learned so much from the people who have different outlooks on life than I do. People who have different opinions on crucial topics and even less important ones too. I like the people who can have civilized, rational, HARD conversations with me about things such as politics, religion and everything in between. I recently had two conversations with two very different people from two very different walks of life. One person answered a question I had about a meme she shared about religion. She answered with kindness and empathy which is not what I’m used to. I’m used to getting judged when I ask questions about religion as if I’m mocking it. I’m not, I just genuinely want to learn about other people’s religions since I am not a religious person. The other was a conversation that I think we both needed to clear our heads. I wish everyone could do that and not lead with emotion.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I want our country to have that September 12th feeling again. We are all a little lost right now for whatever reason. I am feeling it and literally everyone I know is feeling it. (unrelated to the election) I know some people are extremely sad over the outcome and they have every right to be but don’t lash out at people. Don’t disown people and spew hate. It’s not worth it in the long run. Be sad… sit in it… have healthy conversations with others. (and I’m not just talking about the election I mean whatever you have going on in your own life too) Lets all take a collective deep breath. Let’s all put our differences aside and coexist with each other. Let us get that feeling of unity and patriotism for our country back. Let us coexist as humans that have different opinions and views. Let us appreciate this country and all it has done for us. Please learn to let go of the hate in your heart. Living with so much hate is not a way to live your life. Open your mind to all that is out there and learn from one another. Life is too damn short to be harboring so much hate! My hope is that we can all find peace and acclimate to our environment and if everything goes to shit… we can vote again in 4 years! Thats the beauty of living in this country and let me tell you it is just that…. BEAUTIFUL.
side note- I hold space for those who are going through it… election or not. These past 6 months have been a major kick in the dick, and I hope the new year brings change. I see you and I feel you. Life is hard and sometimes it fucking sucks for no rhyme or reason. Hang in there!