We don’t deserve dogs….

Humans don’t deserve dogs, or any animals for that matter. Having dogs most of my life, the pain of losing one is almost unbearable. We have had two sets of dogs for most of my life with a couple sprinkled in that didn’t make it very long. My first dog “Buddy” ended up being a Chow Shepard mix instead of a Terrier mix. Needless to say we had to surrender him to a shelter when he wouldn’t stop growing. That was my first heartbreak when it came to dogs.

From there we got the most incredible, kind, amazing, loving and perfect set of brothers. I will say Shih-Zhus are the BEST breeds to have. My beloved Cosmo and Kramer got me through my school age years. Cosmo sadly passed from liver failure from eating the grass that was treated with chemicals. Now Kramer lasted a few more years and I’m so grateful he did. Unfortunately we had to put him down due to his seizures. Holding him while he had a seizure was one of the most heartbreaking things i’ve ever had to experience. We made the hard choice to let him cross the rainbow bridge peacefully. We quickly got dogs to fill the void.

On my dads 60th birthday he surprised my mom and I with two tiny little Yorkies. They were so tiny and adorable. Keeping with our theme of naming our dogs after TV characters, we named them Seeley & Boothe. If anyone ever watched the show Bones you’d know who they are named after. These two brother pups lived a long life, almost 15 years. In the recent years they developed heart issues and started to go blind and deaf. Last week we made the HARD decision to let them cross the rainbow bridge together. To be honest they couldn’t live one hour without each other so letting them go at the same time was the right decision. It was a very hard decision let me tell ya. They were visibly ok but we knew they werent ok. Its been a few days and I still feel guilty and I miss them like crazy. I know it will get better but for now im letting myself sit in my feelings as hard as that may be.

Those pups loved us unconditionally. No judgement, no hate, no question of their loyalty. They simply just loved us and everyone who knew them. This is why I say we don’t deserve dogs or animals. The love and affection animals give us humans is unmatched. That’s why it is so hard when we lose a pet. The guilt and the pain of having to put a animal down can sometimes be too much to handle. The worst part is, animals don’t usually live as long a humans especially dogs. Its just not fair. I do believe that animals are put here to show us humans unconditional love and loyalty. Its definitely worth the short time we have with them. I know it will get easier but for now i’m just gonna sit here and cry a bit…..


Friendships, are they worth it?!


I thought this was about me…NOT you?!